Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

These terms contain important information concerning your agreement with The Iver Makeup Academy and you should take time to read them before enrolling. Please contact the office for clarification if there is anything in this document that you do not understand.

We explain below the basis upon which The Iver Makeup Academy will provide your course, and the obligations which you have as a student. These terms create obligations that are legally binding both on you and on The Iver Makeup Academy. If you enrol to study at The Iver makeup Academy, these terms will form your agreement with us.


  1. In these terms:
    IMA, ‘we’, ‘us’ and ‘our’ refers to The Iver Makeup Academy, 613-622 Props Building, Pinewood Studios, Pinewood Road. SL0 0NH

‘You’ and ‘your’ refers to you the student or applicant. Please note that these Terms and Conditions apply to all IMA courses for over 18’s.

An offer is considered as ‘accepted’ by the applicant when the applicant enrolment form has been submitted, the deposit has been received and their enrolment letter has been sent.

Legal framework

  1. The IMA operates within a framework of laws which can apply to it in certain circumstances, for example:

(i) The Consumer Rights Act 2015 and other consumer laws, which contain various provisions intended to protect consumers’ interests. These can include the interests of students and applicants.

(ii) The Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, which contains provisions requiring higher education institutions to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism, and also to cooperate with a local panel which has “the function of assessing the extent to which identified individuals are vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism”.

(iii) The Data Protection Act 2018, which sets out the principles on which individuals’ personal data may be processed.

(iv) The Equality Act 2010, which contains provisions promoting equality of opportunity and prohibiting unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation.

(v) The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, which is enforced by the heath and Safety Executive or the local authority. Responsibility for enforcement depends on the type of work- place.

  1. These legal duties can change if the law changes. These terms are subject to those laws and any changes to these or other laws that the Government brings into effect.

Accuracy of information we provide about your Course.

  1. The Iver Makeup Academy makes every effort to ensure that the information provided to you about your course is correct, and that we do not omit telling you about important information that might affect your decision to study at IMA. Occasionally it may be necessary to update published information, including the online course information or other web pages, due to legitimate staffing, financial, regulatory or academic reasons. The IMA will endeavour at all times to keep any changes to such information to a minimum and to keep you informed appropriately.

Accuracy of information you provide to us

  1. It is also important that you provide accurate information in your application to The Iver Makeup Academy. If it is later found that your application contains false or misleading information or material omissions, then we may withdraw any offer to study with us. If you disagree with any decision made by IMA to withdraw an offer of study on this basis, you may ask the Principal (or her/his nominee) to review such a decision within 14 days of the date it was notified to you. You will need to provide the Principal (or her/his nominee) with any evidence to support your request for review.

Applicants and students with disabilities

  1. Students and applicants with disabilities are encouraged to notify IMA at the earliest opportunity so that any appropriate support arrangements can be provided.

Your agreement to comply with The Iver Makeup Academy’s regulations, policies and procedures

  1. By agreeing to these terms, you are also accepting IMA’s regulations, policies and procedures. These contain some important provisions, including, but not limited to, those outlined below.
  2. There are important provisions concerning the following:

(i) Students are required to behave in a professional manner whilst training at The Iver Make-Up Academy. Two warnings will be issued in advance of a student being expelled. We adopt a zero tolerance to students under the influence of substances such as illegal drugs or alcohol and will result in instant removal from site by security and passes permanently revoked. The following are some, but not limited to, behaviours that can be deemed as professional misconduct. Threatening behaviour to staff of other pupils, disrupting lessons, late arrivals which disrupt the class, bullying, physical

assault, verbal assault, carrying out illegal acts on the premises, appropriate behaviour around the studio complex regarding NDA’s.

(ii) All students are required to rigorously follow the Health and Safety policies set out by The Iver Makeup Academy these will comply with the directive from the Health and Safety Executive. Any student found to be in breach of our health and Safety regulations may be asked to leave the academy. In line with government current legislation.

  1. In accordance with Pinewood Studio Regulations, all photography, filming and recording on site outside the premises of The Iver Make-Up Academy is prohibited.  Any breach of this regulation will result in a student’s identification pass being confiscated.  The student would have broken the terms of their contract, therefore, be unable to complete their course.
  2. These regulations include among other things:

(i) The circumstances and conditions under which the IMA may allow a period of study to be interrupted where a student is ill or has another adequate reason;

(ii) The power to terminate a student’s registration for lack of progress or failure to meet the requirements of the course.

(iii) The power to terminate a student’s registration as a misconduct or academic misconduct penalty (see paragraph 13 below).

  1. These regulations also include the ‘General Regulations’ which set out, among other

(i) The fees payable for courses.

(ii) Ownership of rights for student work;

(iii) Regulations relating to student exchanges;

(iv) Regulations regarding use of equipment and facilities, which apply to anyone using IMA’s services or facilities. Breach of these regulations may be a disciplinary matter under the IMA’s misconduct regulations (see paragraph 13). These regulations also explain what monitoring of equipment and stock is undertaken and in what limited circumstances the content of IT messages might have to be disclosed, in accordance with relevant legal frameworks.

(v) Regulations regarding use of stock and facilities, breach of which may be a disciplinary matter under IMA’s misconduct regulation (see paragraph 13)

(vi)Students are required to attend every day of their course within the scheduled hours in order to receive their course certificate.  If a student has an authorised absence, we will endeavour to catch up the work missed during the remainder of their course. If too many teaching hours have been missed, the student will not pass the module.

  1. The Regulations are updated annually. The update supersedes the previous version and applies to all students irrespective of their date of first registration.
  2. The IMA’s policies (commitments made by the Academy) can be found on our webpages. Policies are updated on a regular basis and apply for students from their date of enrolment with us, when they supersede all previous versions.

These include, but are not limited to:

(i)  Complaints Policy, which explains how we will respond to complaints, with guidance to students on how they can submit formal complaints, and which also explains where students can obtain assistance or advice in relation to complaints (or potential complaints).

(ii) Health and Safety policy which must be adhered to and is regularly update in accordance with The Health and Safety Executive.

(iii) Safeguarding Policy and Prevent, which sets out how the Academy safeguards it’s students.

These and other policies may be found at

Updates and changes to IMA’s regulations, policies and procedures

  1. During your agreement with IMA, the Academy may update and replace its regulations, policies and procedures from time to time in order to ensure that it operates efficiently for students and meets relevant legal and regulatory obligations. Important changes to the regulations, policies and procedures will be appropriately notified to students.


  1. It is a requirement when you enrol on a course that you comply with IMA’s enrolment procedure. The procedure is as follows:

An informal interview is carried out preferably in person. However, this can be done virtually for overseas students. If an offer is made the student must then submit an enrolment form. Once this is received a deposit invoice will be generated. The place is only secured once the deposit has been received and the enrolment letter has been sent out to the student.

Course fees and deposits

  1. You are liable for payment of the course fees specified in these terms and conditions. This applies even if your fee is to be paid by a third party; where the third party does not complete payment, you will be required to arrange payment from an alternative source.
  2. Full payment will be due 6 weeks (42 days) prior to your course start date. Unless a payment plan has been agreed. If your tuition fees are not paid when they are due, this can result in you being suspended, not being allowed to enrol, not being allowed to graduate, not being allowed to be a part of the IMA agency.
  3. All cancellations and requests to transfer to a different course must be received in writing (email or letter) and will be acknowledged in writing and will be dealt with on a case by case basis.If after starting a course a student wishes to terminate their training full payment of fees will be required.
  4. Please also note that the IMA reserves the right to charge interest on unpaid fees, and that debt collection fees may be recovered from you, and also that an administration fee may be charged in respect of dishonoured cheques.
  5. The amount of your tuition fees may vary depending on the course you have enrolled on.

    22. Where a student is in receipt of an authorised student Loan, then the Academy shall enrol a student on receipt of documentation confirming that the loan shall be paid, assuming that the loan is sufficient to cover at least 50% of fees. 50% of the fee shall become payable to the Academy in such circumstances one day after the scheduled disbursement of the first loan payment. Payment of the remainder of the loan shall be in accordance with the usual payment schedule described in these terms and conditions.

  6. Where you are responsible for paying all or part of your tuition fees, we require payment of a deposit. Details of the amount of the deposit and deadline for payment will be emailed to you.
  7. The deposit paid will be credited against the first instalment of fees that you are due to pay.
  8. The course deposit is non-refundable in the case of cancellation.  The exception is where a visa has been refused and we are given at least 30 days’ notice.  If less notice isgiven,we may offer a course transfer.  If the cancellation request is received more than 42 days in advance of the course start date the balance paid (total course fee minus deposit) will be refunded.  Cancellation requests received 7-42 days before the course start date will be subject to a cancellation fee of 25% of the course fees.  No refund can be offered for cancellations later than 7 days before the course start date.
  9. Students will be invoiced for fees before the commencement of their course or in accordance with the dates of their individual payment plans.
  10. Students who receive loan funding direct are responsible for making payments to the IMA in the same way as self-funding postgraduate students.
  11. If you are a student being partly or fully sponsored by an external body agreeing to pay your tuition fees, you should provide a valid sponsor letter on or before enrolment. The invoice will be sent directly to the sponsoring organisation. Payment of the invoice is due 30 days from the invoice date. A student sponsored by a friend or relative will be regarded as responsible for their own fees. In the event of non-payment of part or all fees by the sponsoring organisation, the outstanding amount will be invoiced to the student and be payable within 14 days. If you are receiving part funding of your tuition fees from your sponsor, then the part that is self-funded will be invoiced to you in the same way as for other self-funding students.
  12. We reserve the right to cancel a course at any time and offer an alternative date, a credit or a refund without any liability for consequential or indirect loss.Any variation to the arrangements specified in these terms in relation to payment of fees may only be approved with the explicit, written consent of the Principal.

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  1. You are responsible for your own living expenses, travel and accommodation costs. Kit costs are included in the following courses., Certificate course, Foundation course, Intermediate course, Advanced course. All other courses materials will be supplied but they will remain the property of IMA.

Changes to course dates and content.

  1. The IMA will only make changes to a Course or alter course dates after the acceptance of an offer in the limited circumstances set out below. Examples of “changes” include changes to the content or structure of course, or to the location or method of teaching or assessment. The circumstances where changes may be made or required are:

(i) Where changes are in students’ overall interests, for example because of developments in teaching practice or technology, new assessment methods, or where a campus redevelopment or restructuring of the IMA means that teaching locations change to a different site; or

(ii)Where a key member of staff is no longer available (e.g. through illness or resignation) and suitable alternative teaching or supervision arrangements cannot be provided. This might be where the member of staff concerned has a particular specialism which cannot be adequately covered by other members of IMA tutors.

(iii)Where a teaching location becomes unavailable for reasons outside the IMA’s control, for example because of flooding or fire.

(iv)Where regulatory or government requirements mean that changes have to be made to better ensure compliance. Examples of such changes might be changes to how the IMA is required to operate because of changes to immigration rules or other laws/regulations.

  1. Where changes or course closures are proposed or have to be made for the reasons outlined at paragraph 31 above, IMA will take all reasonable steps to minimise disruption to students. This will include:

(i) Informing students of the changes in advance and giving them appropriate opportunity to comment on the proposals.

(ii) In the case of substantial changes (for example, closing a course during a student’s studies), consulting with students to seek their views on the changes/proposals and any potential alternatives or steps to minimise the impact on students.

  1. The Iver Makeup Academy only closes programmes in exceptional circumstances. If it is ever necessary to close a course, the IMA’s preferred approach is to continue to resume teaching at the earliest possible opportunity.

If exceptionally this is not possible, as part of the approach at paragraph 31 above, the IMA will explore other options with the affected students.

Disclosure and Barring Service checks

  1. The Iver Makeup Academy is very mindful of any duties it may have under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 (as amended) (“SVGA”). These duties may apply (for example) in the case of:

(i)Students who are aged under 18; or

(ii) Students who are ‘vulnerable adults’.

(iii) Students who may come into contact with vulnerable adults or children during the course of their studies.

  1. The IMA expects all its staff, students and contractors to be alert to any concerns about the welfare of children or vulnerable adults and to report any such concerns they may have, however apparently trivial, as soon as possible to the Principal or his/her deputy.
  2. The IMA may be required to:

(i) Check whether certain individuals are barred from undertaking activities regulated by the SVGA, and/or to undertake criminal record checks; and

(ii)Supply certain information about individuals to the Disclosure and Barring Service, for example, where the IMA considers someone to pose a risk of harm to children or vulnerable adults.

Your cancellation rights

  1. You have the right to cancel your acceptance of a place at the IMA for any reason (including if you change your mind) during a 14 day cancellation period (the ‘Cancellation Period’), which will start on the day you accept an offer from the IMA.
  2. To cancel your acceptance, you must clearly inform us in writing of your decision to cancel before the Cancellation Period has expired. We ask that you do this via email. Alternatively, you may contact the IMA Principal by letter.
  3. To meet the cancellation deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right to cancel before the Cancellation Period has expired. We do not have to have received it before the expiry of the Cancellation Period.
  4. If you cancel your acceptance within the 14-day Cancellation Period, we will reimburse any deposit payment received from you as soon as we can, and no later than 14 days after the day on which you informed us of your
    decision to cancel your acceptance.

No liability for acts outside our control

  1. We shall not be liable to you arising from matters outside our control. This includes but is not limited to: strikes, other industrial action, staff illness, severe weather, fire, civil commotion, riot, invasion, terrorist attack or threat of terrorist attack, war (whether declared or not), natural disaster, restrictions imposed by government or public authorities, epidemic or pandemic disease, or failure of public utilities or transport systems.

How we use your personal data, and students’ obligations

  1. The Iver Makeup Academy complies with the Data Protection act 2018 (GDPR) regarding what data we might hold about you, how we use it, who we might share it with and the reasons for doing that.
  2. Students who are involved in dealing with other peoples’ personal data ( for example during work experience assignments when phone numbers and emails are shared) must ensure that they abide by the requirements of data protection law (which contains requirements about security of personal data, and how such data is used and shared).

IMA Agency and Aftercare

The Iver Make-Up Academy Agency is open to all our students. If a student accepts a placement through the agency it is vital that the job is treated in a professional manner and students must undertake to maintain the reputation of The Iver Make-Up Academy.  If for any reason a student is unable to carry out any work commitment it is their responsibility to find a replacement.  Any student who fails to adhere to these terms and conditions will not be offered further work opportunities.

Please refer to The Agency T’s and C’s.